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  • Gateway Companion Animal Clinic
  • 5207 48 Street #6,
  • Rocky Mountain House,
  • Alberta,
  • T4T 0B1
  • Phone: (403) 845-2121


Reproductive Care

  • It takes a will of iron to pull a sled for miles over frozen tundra, so Siberian Huskies can be a bit obstinate. However, they are also smart, fun-loving and always ready for a game.

  • The Silky is truly a terrier; thus, they can be scamps, scattering laundry about the house, staring down the pet guinea pig in its cage, barking a welcome or warning to all who walk down the street. Yet, they can be charming, fun and great companions.

  • Still the strong diggers with good hearing and good sense they were originally bred to be, Skye Terriers think for themselves and do their jobs without instruction. Crackerjack vermin hunters, personal guardians, and devoted companions, Skyes take life seriously and won't give up or give in when they think it's important.

  • The Smooth Fox Terrier loves to play, and he's always up for a good game of fetch (although he might not bring the ball back), tug-of-war (he doesn't like to lose), or just lots of running around, hiking, exploring, sniffing, and barking.

  • The Wheaten's terrier alertness is tempered by the steady temperament of a dog who is used to helping out around the farm. These dogs love their people and their people's friends, and like to demonstrate their love by jumping up on all concerned.

  • Spaying is the common term for the surgical procedure known as an ovariohysterectomy. In this procedure, the ovaries and uterus are removed to sterilize a female cat. This operation requires a general anesthetic and complications are rare. Spaying is recommended to prevent ovarian and uterine cancer, prevent unwanted pregnancy, and reduce the risk of mammary cancer and pyometra.

  • Spaying is the common term for the surgical procedure known as an ovariohysterectomy. In this procedure, the ovaries and uterus are removed to sterilize a female dog. This operation requires a general anesthetic and complications are rare. Spaying is recommended to prevent ovarian and uterine cancer, prevent unwanted pregnancy, and reduce the risk of mammary cancer and pyometra.

  • The Spinone Italiano is a superb companion for the hunter or outdoorsman. These dogs follow directions, stay within close range, and willingly plow through heavy brush and dive into ponds. When not hunting, a Spinone Italiano will join you on a hike, let a toddler snuggle next to her, or play tag with the kids.

  • The Staffordshire Bull Terrier loves his family with a passion, especially the juvenile members - this breed's devotion to children is legendary.

  • What makes the Standard Schnauzer so compelling? Maybe it is the distinctive beard and mustache supporting the long muzzle that captures our attention, or those eyes that seem to be scrutinizing with an insatiable curiosity and perhaps even skepticism.